Thursday, June 11, 2009

Exercise - 2

1. Using the truth tables find whether the following are tautologies or contradictions or neither.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Algebra of statements

1. Idempotent laws:
(a) p v p equivalence p
Laws of Algebra of statements.

(b)p ^ p equivalence p

2.Associative laws:

3. Commutative laws:

4. Distributive laws:

5. De Morgan's laws:

Tautologies and Contradictions

Tautologies and Contradictions:
Some compound statements contain only T in the last column of their truth tables. Such statements are called tautologies.

A compound statement which contains only F in the last column of its truth table is called contradiction.

Two compound statements are said to be logically equivalent if their truth tables are identical. We denote the logical equivalence of two compound statement P and Q by P=Q.

The statement "p or not p" i.e., p v (~p)is a tautology.
This can be seen by the truth table.

The Statement "p and notp" i.e., p^(~p) is a contradiction

Financial help for poor students


If you have come across any bright students coming from poor financial

background, who have finished their 10^th standard this year (April

2009) and scored more than 80%, please ask them to contact the NGO -

Prerana (supported by Infy foundation). The NGO is conducting a written

test on 14^th June and those who clear the test will be eligible for

financial help for their further studies.

Please ask the students to contact the people mentioned below to get the

form :Sarasawati Mob no. *9900906338

*#580, Shubhakar, 44^th cross, 1^st ‘A’ main road, Jayanagar 7^th block,

Mr. Shivkumar(9986630301) - he sits at Hanumanthnagar office
Ms. Bindu(9964534667) - she sits at Yeshwantpur office

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Statements and Sets Fill in the blanks

Exercise - 1

2. Write the conjunction and disjunction of the given statements.
(i) 5 is an odd number; 5 is positive
5 is an odd number or 5 is positive.
5 is an odd number and 5 is positive.
Similarly we can write it for (ii),(iii),(iv) and (v)

3. Write each of the following statements using the appropriate connectives ^,V,=>,<=>,~. And state their truth values.

(i)5+7=10 and 4+3=7
5+7=10 ^ 4+3=7
F ^ T= F

(ii) 7 is odd or 7 is prime
7 is odd v 7 is prime
T V T = T

(iii) If x+2=0 then x=-2
If then means implication
x+2=0 => x=-2
T => T = T

(iv) x+2=0 iff x=-2
x+2=0 <=> x=-2
T <=> T = T

(V) 7 not equal to 10
~(7=10)- T

4. Rewrite the following statements using the connective symbols. Here p, q are any two statements.

(i) notp
(ii) p or q
p V q

(iii) p and q
p ^ q

(iv) p only if q
p => q

(v)p iff q
p <=> q

(vi) p and not q

(vii) (~p) or q

(viii)(either p) or (not p)
(either p)V(~p)

(ix) p or not p

(x)(not p) and (not q)

6. State the truth values of the following disjunctions
(i) 4+3=7 or 5x4=21
T ^ F = T
1 + 0 = 1
(ii) 4 divided by 2=1 or 2 divided by 1 = 4
F ^ F = F
0 + 0 =0
(iii) 3 divided by 2=1 or 3x2=6
0 + 1 = 1
(iv) 4x5=20 or 4 divided by 2 = 2
1 + 1 = 1

7.State the truth values of the following conjunctions.
(i) 20 divided by 10=2 and 20x10=200
T v T = T
1 x 1 =1
(ii) 10+2=12 and 10 divided by 2 =5
T v T = T
1 x 1 =1
(iii) 10+15 = 20 and 15-10=5
F v T = F
0 x 1 = 0
(iv) 15x3=45 and 15+3=20
F v F = F
0 x 0 = 0

8.State the truth values of the following implications.
(i)If 3+2=5 then 1x0=0
T => T = T
(ii) If 3x6=20 then 2+7=9
F => T = T
(iii) If 5x7=30 then 2 divided by 1=2
F => T = T
(iv) If 6x7=42 then 6 divided by 2=4
T => F= F

9.State which of the following are true statements
(i) 4+3=10 <=> 4x3=12
F <=> T = F
(ii) 4x7=20 <=> 4 divided by 7=1
F <=> F = T
(iii) 5x8=40 <=> 8-2=5
T <=> F = F
(iv)6-3=3 <=> 6x3=18
T <=> T = T

10. Write the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the following conditions.
(i) If two triangles are congruent then they are similar.
Converse: If two triangles are similar then they are congruent.
Inverse: If two triangles are not congruent then they are not similar.
Contrapositive: If two triangles are not similar then they are not congruent.

(ii) If in a triangle ABC, AB=AC then AngleB=AngleC
Converse: If in a triangle ABC, AngleB=AngleC then AB=AC.
Inverse:If in a triangle ABC, AB not equal to AC then AngleB not equal to AngleC.
Contrapositive: If in a triangle ABC, AngleB not equal to AngleC then AB not equal to AC.
Similarly we can do the rest.

11. Let p be "She is beautiful" and q be "She is happy". Write each of the following Statements that are in symbolic form into english sentences.
(i)p ^ q
She is beautiful and she is happy.
Similarly we can do the rest.


Polytechnic entrance is conducted by State Board of Technical Education.
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates should have passed, SSC or it's equivalent examination.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Engineering Colleges of Andhrapradesh

To view the information regarding different Engineering Colleges of Andhrapradesh.
Click Here